{"items": [{"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This toy works just like the real thing. It's great for kids to learn before they try the real thing. It's easy enough to use that my four year old is able to load it and play with it. Lots of little pieces, so make sure you have a bag on hand to keep everything together. Nice toy that the kiddos will love.", "profile_name": "Greg", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Very realistic", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2024", "id": "R1TQ77EQBJMJ2J", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHROQHN6D74YDGCK5WGUHBT5KMYQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "1.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This toy was great for the first 5 minutes! But then a plastic piece in the bolt broke and rendered the toy useless.", "profile_name": "Morgan Loper", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "It was cool for 5 minutes\u2026", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2024", "id": "R262D96CL9I84", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFIW7TPK2PJ4F34CCPEGQJJU7GPQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This toy gun is awesome. It has a sweet shell ejecting system that I have not seen anywhere else. The body itself is very easy to assemble and take apart for easy storage. It comes with plenty of darts and shells but you can load in other darts if you lose the originals. The only disappointing thing is it only holds 4 shells in the mag with one in the chamber and can get jammed pretty easily. It is pretty easy to unjam because you can take the whole barrel off but still an inconvenience. It shoots pretty hard and far, about 30 feet without an arc but any longer and you would have to adjust for bullet drop. Overall I highly recommend but it does take some practice to get used to using this thing.", "profile_name": "Andrew_", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Better than Nerf", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on April 4, 2024", "id": "R2MKBTBSYKE1D0", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AENR2DKKGHL4IY2OVEOTUIW2EPJQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "got this for my kids but i ended up playing with it way more. its very fun to shoot and the fact it ejects the casing is super cool. its simple to put together also . comes with lots of darts and trust me you need em", "profile_name": "kajiggaa", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "got it for my kids", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on April 3, 2024", "id": "R1I3V8CLR3FRUN", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGVNQP3HQ6S7AXAWG2VBDV5WCXQA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Must have for kids who are gun-lovers.", "profile_name": "Holly", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Must have", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2024", "id": "R3QZCVXOF7CYHY", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHEV73XOJKCHZIUUTAO5ATX3ONXA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "I got this to add to my dart gun collection...because doesn't every 32 year old need one? This is a pretty decent toy for what it's supposed to be. It has plenty of power and the bolt, trigger and magazine all work like they should (no sticking, slipping, etc.). The scope is pretty well useless though, it doesn't even crosshairs, and it was kind of a pain to get put together. Other than those little details, I'd say it's an awesome dart gun.", "profile_name": "Dan", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Fun toy", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2024", "id": "RWSVU6I980ZIM", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGLYBE3GC565WEOPXOQ3BCAB5JVA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Super powerful and loud, it has a cool sound when fired, the power is great too it will go a long distance, the bolt is easy to pull back, the feel of it is really nice, the shell ejecting is really cool and works extremely well, it throws the shell pretty far, it came with tons of ammo and two mags that hold four rounds,", "profile_name": "Alastorr", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Awesome nerf gun", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2024", "id": "R394J2G49ZGT41", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGBZQEUXCAGUQGE5CNEUSR6IWEDQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Fun, fairly accurate, and durable. Only downside is having to keep track of and retrieve the ejected shell casings. But these things are great overall.", "profile_name": "Crazy Cymbal Monkey", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Some of the best \"nerf\" guns we've had", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2024", "id": "R1NGWJ9V9IPF93", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AE3SQGFBXGJG2V3BSMLKWXXZUGMQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "So like other reviewers say, the scope is not worth putting on. One star off.", "profile_name": "Trapper", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Fun little realistic action rifle. The scope is not that great.", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2024", "id": "R3FDYNV0NDDE18", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AESDAS22FBUUJ4X4XD47RRRKMBGA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This air toy is honestly way better than the name brand ones available. Do be careful as the darts do hit pretty hard. It went together very easily, only took about 5 minutes to assemble and is relatively easy to disassemble as well. Comes with plenty of darts and two cartridges.", "profile_name": "Bryce", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Absolutely amazing", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on March 21, 2024", "id": "R261W3UK1TQNI0", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AG7YNHEE5HIFQ2EJCDQRI2JIEIZQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}], "latest_date": "Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2024", "rating": "4.4 out of 5", "title": "AGM MASTECH M24 Soft Bullet Toy Gun, Empty Shell Ejecting Design, Enhanced Scope", "asin": "B0CWGP2865"}