{"items": [{"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Every single piece accounted for. Set up is difficult. Instructions are included. A kid could never do this alone. Took a competent, grown adult, giving full concentration, 30+ minutes to assemble. Tracks are hard to push together, but they stay together well. That being said, it was worth every minute of focused attention. This set works amazing and was so fun. All three cars work well and we didn\u2019t feel like any one car outshone the others. Both sides of the track worked equally well. We had a blast racing each other and the automatic lap counter makes it easy to tell who won, so no arguments. The copper brushes are easy to adjust so you don\u2019t fly off the track. As good as the ones I remember from childhood. Once you get good at this, it\u2019s pretty addicting. Very fair price for what you get. Possibly even a great value.", "profile_name": "Mimi of 36", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Fun for all ages", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2023", "id": "R37O3KJKLY8QLV", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGJMNVLF6U2PSYS5TMIZKX2DHJSA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "It's a great set. However, the assembly might be a bit challenging. My biggest compliant is that it's very easy to break for a child. After assembly, my kid loved it. It's a lot of fun for both the child and parents.", "profile_name": "Ze Zhong Wang", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "My kid loved it", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2023", "id": "R13LLCVD113O9R", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGCORTQH5Q6VVZRDJNQHOI2Q3XKQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "3.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "I have mixed feelings with my experience with this slot car track. My first impressions were definitely optimistic. The concept is quite nice, I like the design with the added loops. I am disappointed with the quality of the materials used in this entire setup. After only using this for a week I have had to do quite a bit of super gluing. I caution anyone reading this to be VERY gentle with the track pieces. The type of plastic used is very brittle and the tabs that hold the track pieces together are prone to break if you flex the track the least bit piecing it together or taking it apart. The slot cars also have wing spoilers that will inevitably be broken off after your second or third crash. The magnets inside the slot cars are not very strong and I've often experienced the care derail on turns even at slower speeds. I would also like to point out there are only four \"guard rails\" which are cardboard pieces held on with flimsy clips that snap on the side of the track piece. These guardrails serve no purpose and will fall off the first time a car bumps into it.", "profile_name": "Tate Hornung", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "This is a fun track, but definitely not the same quality I remember with my childhood sets.", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2023", "id": "R11CQSTLM42BCJ", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGKUPVNGW2KMM54OSS37RWIBFOHQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Great and fun toy, easy to setup and cars are fast.", "profile_name": "EL JEFE", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Awesome toy", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2023", "id": "R2A0WKZXILQ6MN", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFHXFINCJSLAID573SMA4T2A6ZVQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "When ordering I didn't realize it had a ramp! That's a pretty cool feature, something I've never seen in a traditional slot car race set.", "profile_name": "Mad Max", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Much different than traditional slot car race set. Some good, some bad, and a bit chintzy", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2023", "id": "R28G1SR19BEQUD", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHB4I2G72UDOKU4HV266LVHHYRSA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Got this for my grandson.", "profile_name": "The Countess", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Grandson loves", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2023", "id": "R224I8M3WQ1845", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGE7DKEVX2VHAJ2XBTKFQGO36PXA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n ", "profile_name": "Mike Higuera", "avp-badge": "Verified Purchase", "review_title": "Slot Car Fun", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2023", "id": "R3NWAJ8IBCOWMR", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHPCVO32ADPF7453EZFVNAWVOHMA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "no way the set i had years ago, it will never come close, the fun with the kids is the same.Will they keep this and play with their kids, maybe not but they will get one for their kids thinking about the good times we are having now. thanks for you're good race set.", "profile_name": "Brenda Linam", "avp-badge": "Verified Purchase", "review_title": "just what i wanted", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2023", "id": "R2JUZPA4M2Y75W", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AERSY7BCYN4QYNQIFELDCNT3UDUA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Protector fits perfectly and blends in flawlessly. Great looking screen protector.", "profile_name": "MYRON ADAMS", "avp-badge": "Verified Purchase", "review_title": "Perfect fit!", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2023", "id": "R37FTENKD0VCH0", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AEXF6E7XMOCYQFY6WDMIV2HGUZIA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Flexible, sturdy, fun as heck. Dad time!", "profile_name": "Teach Comix", "avp-badge": "Verified Purchase", "review_title": "Awesome starter set", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2023", "id": "R2BFRRPD2KVZ5I", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGRMLXGPH4WOKLQJZZYJUFM2R7HQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}], "latest_date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2023", "rating": "4.3 out of 5", "title": "AGM MASETCH High-Speed Series Slot car Dual Race Track Set 1:64 Scale with 3 Cars & Lap Counter.", "asin": "B0B6PG6DHG"}