{"items": [{"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This thing is awesome. It\u2019s gonna be a better tool for teaching, your kid gun safety while giving them something very similar to a bolt action rifle to utilize and practice with. Everything from how to load a magazine, clearing a chamber, up range/down range safety, etc. also able to teach different shooting positions.", "profile_name": "naterade", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Pretty impressive", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2024", "id": "RW5BEN4N2ZQS2", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AET6NJGMTG3UY3PJAFNJPUZL3COQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Quality material and bright colors.", "profile_name": "Taylor Hindermann", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "10/10", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2023", "id": "R2EIUQQ4T91CON", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGREIHV6GAAH2CKLW6R4SBCZM76A/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "I got this for my daughters to play with but also to learn the basics of how a gun operates. The aiming target and the darts are great, and they liked learning how to load the magazines + line up the shots. The parts actually kind of approximate rifle action correctly. I'm hoping that due to this, when they do shooting classes this summer with the Scouts they are a little better prepared and interested in the whole learning experience. Great set.", "profile_name": "redhed", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Super fun for kids to learn gun basics, aim", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2023", "id": "R2565AHISPSLJ2", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHKMC6HKGYSGHJDP5GW6RWQSTRGQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "3.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This is a really fun fun with real action. My son however, broke a leg on the stand when using it for the first time and the next day broke the scope. The attachments are just very poor quality.", "profile_name": "Jennifer Bell", "avp-badge": "Verified Purchase", "review_title": "Fun idea but not good quality", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2023", "id": "R2NT74HJMT59B2", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AF2M65DVJMFV4SY26VIOH42LLBWA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "3.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Most of it looked great but boxed was not properly sealed with loose parts \u2026 missing one piece; like the one shown in the picture.", "profile_name": "AndyR", "avp-badge": "Verified Purchase", "review_title": "Missing part and box not sealed", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2023", "id": "R7P6DRY3QQER1", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHHZRI6AZ74AZLHI2ZYQA3Y3FEMA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Overwatch has you covered. This rifle is made of nice plastics and put together well. Gilly suit not included.", "profile_name": "jw.hunter", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Sniper Blaster", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2023", "id": "R3L8R8F792TAMJ", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGI7T4J74CSLFUSS6DEH7G5FJJDQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Picked up this gun to give it a try. It's got a really nice design, though I do have a couple criticisms. The autoloader for the magazines is almost completely useless. By the time you get the shell casings and darts into the autoloader and lined up, you could easily have loaded both magazines by hand. And even when they are lined up in the autoloader, sometimes when you are trying to load the darts into the shells one or more till stick and bend. Far easier hand loading. The second issue is that each magazine only holds four rounds. The actual Accuracy International rifles feature 10 round magazines in .308 and 5 round magazines in .50, so not sure why such a small capacity was decided on.", "profile_name": "Steven Moore", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Accurate and fairly powerful", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2023", "id": "RJL48UF06LIV0", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AEXMH6HNUBTEAN7E24FTVOKJN6NA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n ", "profile_name": "Blake D.", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Really cool and realistic functionality. Plenty of ammo and shells, and packs quite a punch!", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2023", "id": "R27PXFM3V8KE5S", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AF5JECHLNT2WWO4IXNQKAREVGKHQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This is a fun little toy to play with and it's been added to my collection of generic NERF guns that look somewhat like the real thing.", "profile_name": "Kidd", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Fun dart gun", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2023", "id": "R21D9CDV5BYRHT", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFOEC6LF6S7LF75LRKVBNELNCA7Q/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "long powerful shot you can hit someone 50ft away and feel it like your close nice toy gun loads of fun big kids only a little one wouldnt be able to hold this it is lifelike", "profile_name": "Jb", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Long shot", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on October 16, 2023", "id": "R30VFP43FVMOSV", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGGJALZOXHPZI2KUX6PXQQC57HRA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}], "latest_date": "Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2024", "rating": "4.4 out of 5", "title": "AGM MASTECH Soft Bullet Toy Gun, Empty Shell Ejecting Design, Enhanced Scope, Fast Dart Loader, 40 Soft Foam Darts, 20 Shells, 2 Magazines. Blasting Toy Foam Blaster for Boys and Girls", "asin": "B0CD5PBV82"}