{"items": [{"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "I think this is made more for adults. It's too large for kids to handle.", "profile_name": "Kiyo M.", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Pretty cool", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2023", "id": "R3HHBL57NLALFI", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AEYCIFBBFGT24M7BMMS3FWCLVYVA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This product arrived quickly and in minimal waste packaging. This isnt a bad foam gun. When I got the gun i was pleasantly surprised that it was pretty big and super easy to put together. the gun does a very good job at hitting that 40ft range but after the 40ft not well at all. The darts get loaded into casings and the casings into the mag. I was very surprised that the casings get ejected very well once spent and there was no jamming the whole time i was playing with it. Over all for the price I am happy with this product.", "profile_name": "Nicholas Rickert", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "As described", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2023", "id": "R23QXWDVV86E4M", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFPB6TVJH53TKLGMN74I3Q75P6RA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "When I was younger - I had a large collection of nerf equipment, from the small toys to the large foam launchers. I wish I had this one as a kid. Dart guns have come a long way since then, this one is accurate, satisfying (with the shell action), and easy to have fun with. It's fairly powerful, so I'd recommend safety glasses if having a battle (the darts themselves don't hurt but pack a bit of a punch).", "profile_name": "William Schouten", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Best Dart Gun", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2023", "id": "RNHD3X15BIETQ", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AEX2MYOGQG6WXABZGJB6TYXCBJOA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This is a great value and much higher quality than expected.", "profile_name": "Talks too much and displays delusions of adequacy", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Much nicer than expected", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2023", "id": "R3V3WQL7DRLDDL", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGIORKACLE3RWTJUMKCKNGEKUKPQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This dart blaster has a well made feel to it, kinda in-between a blaster and an airsoft rifle. The blasters bolt handle and trigger are metal and has smooth cocking and easy trigger pull. It comes with a mildly adjustable scope w/o a cross hair and a slip on faux suppressor in blaze orange for safety. The included shell loader works suprisingly well and the shells feed smoothly. After each shot, working the bolt handle ejects and loads a new shell. The range is a good 40ft with a lil arc and is accurate for a blaster. Only reason I didn't give it another star is that for the almost $70 price, I'd e xpect it to have a more powerful spring. Otherwise it's a solidly built blaster that should stand up to some fun play.", "profile_name": "Quasilogical", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Solidly built, fun loading and ejecting mechanics", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2023", "id": "R7IVF70MBAZ7H", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AETQRS3Z3W4TYRIRPVYMOWOFS7JQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "1.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Sadly, when this toy gun arrived, the box was already open, and looked as though it had been crushed. The small parts weren't in bags and were kind of floating around in the box. When I tried to put it together, the little parts that attach the scope to the gun were missing, making the scope useless. I am extremely upset at the horrible condition this gun arrived in and the missing parts, especially considering the high price tag!! I wouldn't recommend this to anyone!!", "profile_name": "Marie P.", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "arrived with missing parts", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2023", "id": "R2U17N6T4O4JYI", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AEVGD6727MZWACYBR2YKHAKZSLNQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "This is so much fun to cycle the bolt laying on the ground waiting on your target to come around the corner. This shoots the darts quickly and very far. It uses standard aftermarket darts so I have plenty of those. It comes with a weird loading device that will load the darts into cartridges and then load those cartridges into the mags. Its honestly faster to just load them by hand but it is fun for my kids. You can load 5 darts into the gun at a time, one in the chamber and 4 in the mag. It came with a sort of working scope and bipod. The scope was missing the nut to mount it properly so it quickly broke off. The bipod was very cheap and broke on the 2nd day of play. I replaced it with a real bipod. Overall, this thing is a blast to use and it was fun teaching my kids how to operate a bolt action rifle. Also, the sound of the empty cartridge bouncing on the hard floor is amazing!", "profile_name": "Justin", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "My Favorite Nerf Gun Yet!", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2023", "id": "RNQLGZD7L1P1P", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AEQ7F6XLHNVDOY2H42SQS5NKON4A/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "5.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "Fun to sneak attack my wife with and shot at cans w/ my toddler. Works well. Would recommend.", "profile_name": "Jamie Dudek", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Fun toy!", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2023", "id": "R2XJELYBIFPY2C", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AEYSO6GNRBHDXBDQ643LNCN5W7VA/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "There is a lot to like about this product, and I do like it, but not for the reasons that I initially thought I would. It's fun to shoot, reasonably accurate, and modeled close enough to a real rifle that it makes a good training aid for my daughter on gun safety. The inclusion of \"shells\" that eject and--most important--a functioning safety that prevents the gun from being fired elevate this product and make it somewhat unique compared to others we've tried. Given some of the concerns I note below, this weapon will not see household nerf combat and instead is going to be treated like a real firearm so my daughter can practice gun safety and marksmanship in preparation for future hunting trips. Because this product offers superior utility for that purpose I'm rating it 4 stars... as purely a play gun for dart battles, it would be lower.", "profile_name": "TDV", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Some Good, Some Bad - Fun but room for improvement.", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2023", "id": "R6M9DIGPOVTE6", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AGAC74FFFMLABTQVR7MXFIKK4DBQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}, {"rating": "4.0 out of 5 stars", "review-body": "The riffle looks nice. However, its stock extended too far back making it very uncomfortable to aim with butt pushing against the front shoulder because it was hard for me to place my eye right behind the built-in sighting scale on the top of the riffle or the scope. I found it hard to hit a small target like the plastic shell standing up on the couch using the scope even though I could see the shell right in the middle of the scope. But I got about 50% better hit rate without the scope on the same small target. It felt real to load the plastic bullet from the cartridge into the barrel of the riffle but at times it might jam the riffle. Firing the riffle created loud and unpleasant noise. I would prefer silent or low noise firing. The scope could zoom in and zoom out but does not have the crosshair to zero in on the target. The plastic shell is ejected during the reloading of the plastic bullet. After shooting for a few rounds, I found a screw next to the trigger popped out causing barrel to become unstable.", "profile_name": "Spiegel", "avp-badge": "Vine Customer Review of Free Product", "review_title": "Classic riffle one shot at a time", "date": "Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2023", "id": "R3YC5EHT7ZV96", "profile_link": "/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFJOJQRXSKDLZQKSEMMPX6AOWJSQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_gw_btm?ie=UTF8"}], "latest_date": "Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2023", "rating": "4.2 out of 5", "title": "AGM MASTECH Soft Bullet Toy Gun, Empty Shell Ejecting Design, Enhanced Scope, Fast Dart Loader, 40 Soft Foam Darts, 20 Shells, 2 Magazines. Blasting Toy Foam Blaster for Boys and Girls", "asin": "B0CD5PBV82"}